I neglected to mention 80s day. I wanted to post a picture of myself, but I looked horrible and all the pictures are bad except the one of my awesome ripped up pants, which was just plain narcissistic.
Well, on that day, I still had an iPod and headphones.
And I made Messner listen to my 80's music-a-thon (128 of my best 80's songs all put onto my iPod playlist).
This is Mr. Messner, awesome teacher extraordinaire. I joke around with him so much, you might call him my straightman, if straight men listened to the village people. And yes, that was a pun.

Isn't he cute, just sitting there listening to Depeche Mode (He'd just been like "OMG I LOVE DEPECHE MODE" and I found it hilarious because he likes darkwave and bubblegum pop... which I don't really see as compatible)

And there he is after he realized I was taking a picture. Really, that's just the beginning of him gasp-smiling, saying "noooooo!" and blocking the camera, but it's what I got photographed before he ran and hid.