la la la la la la la...
If you guys wanna know what I will talk about, it's still about the ASQUEROSO PUTA(disgusting whore) a.k.a. AM Cosico. I went to Tita Analie's birthday party last Saturday, and as I expected, her FE buddies showed up. Well, at least some of them anyway... So I used this sociable side of mine and tried to hang out with some of Ian's FE buddies, Ate Jolitz and Joal. We were hanging out in someone else's car, socializing, until that ugly whore texted Joal and told him she has a new victim--Deebo Santiago. Fuck her. Isn't she satisfied that she already chased half the men in the entire prep world? That acting all stuck up and slutty would get her in heaven? Not that I was jealous. Far from it. More like I was fed up. And then I found out I wasn't the only one--Jolitz and Joal were saying that all who knew her hated her guts. Fabulous! All night I made some nasty comments about her--and the new friends that I made said I was funny and malakas mang-asar. How can I not be like that, when she was the one who forced me to go into my split personality? Ian's sister Melana told me that she's been lectured so many times of her bitchy behavior, but nooo. The bitch still didn't listen, being herself as if everyone loves her, being herself to the point of annoyance where I actually wanted to square her off until she bled and bled. Come to think of it, I haven't been much violent this past summer, and I've been watching too much wrestling in the idolization of my asawa, the one on the picture. :) The worst part was, the whore told Melana that I was giving her nasty looks. The nerve! If I wasn't able to look twice at the nasty black leech mutating on her upper lip, what makes her think I will look right at her? to say the least, she really is intimidated and threatened by me, thanks to my father, THE UNDERTAKER. And the fact that seh was jealous of me---of my style, of my so-called WWE attitude, of my sweet relationship with my cousin Ian. The creep has no life at all, living in the life of a holy religion where she was still all sugar honey and fake like all sluts would be. But if she says nasty things behind my back, I swear. When we see each other at the Grand FE Reunion at the 13th and does her thing, I won't hesitate to march up to her and give her a piece of my mind. I have her number, and I can always send her death threats in the form of text messsages whenever I want. That ugly earth creature doesn't even know who she's messing with. I'm warning you bitch---one click of the WRITE NEW MESSAGE in my phone and it will be the end of your little Disneyworld. Hit me off and you'll never ever see the lights of day again. A little crack in the neck will definitely send you straight to Satan where he will fuck you non-stop, just the way you like it. And I just don't mess with someone as often, but this you're simply aching fo a fight, and I'd just be happy to give you something more than that. You're messing with fire, bitch. I really can kill you.