damn damn damn
Life can just be so dire and complicated at times. There are just moments of my everyday agenda where all I want to do was to lie in bed all day and shut the world out. Anxiousness continued to grow inside me as each day passes, and I find that the clock of summer has finally started to tick its last, which never made me feel better. Sometimes I really wish the rain would fall and would never stop falling... And then I started thinking that this is the first time I ever felt so alone. I miss the Lucinians. The constant teasings, the acoustic jammings, the endless impersonation of teachers, and the allowance to cheat every finals week. I miss Mats, Randolf, Cat, Karla, PJ, Francis, etc. These are the persons who made me feel that its okay to be honest, and made my sarcastic yet totally liberated self come out of the surface. PRANKA, as they say... I miss Jan B. The way we never fail to make each other laugh, especially when it comes to the subject of his/her super-lame classmates. Ah, those were just the times. I miss Mitchy. I miss the exchange of our literary works, and I miss her just sitting in the chair in class all day reading Anne Rice, and also the times where she would just treat me for waiting for her sundo. So if you're reading this, you ought to be really flattered. :) I miss Rap. He barely texts me anymore, but I completely understand him. There is someone else, but still... I miss blah... I miss bleh... .............. And to think that this scorching summer is almost over. The worst part was...the two chapters that I'm supposed to upload at Fanfiction.net didn't happen. The stupid diskette won't work. And the chapters that I typed were LONG. This just sucks.