Listening to: \"1984\"-David Bowie
Feeling: sane
i no longer use this and i don't think i'll ever come back. i just want to say that you guys can reach me at www.livejournal.com/users/leydahl or myspace: http://profiles.myspace.com/users/5273869.
now, before i leave i want to express my sadness/anger regarding the death of my lovely friend Attila. i'm mad that she has left my side and i will never again talk to her or hear her say the lovely things she did. The War was fought and a victim was found. Attila Ramirez 6/25/86 - 9/3/04
may you find happiness wherever you are.
i love you and you'll never be forgotten.
and with that i leave you all.

Im sorry to here of your loss. I shall speak to you soon