Listening to: \"Still Ill\"-The Smiths
Feeling: whiney
Yea, whatever. It's not really a feeling, is it?
Melancholy is nothing negative, it is a positive feeling. It has nothing to do with depressions, it's a feeling of longing. Isn't that true?
I must admit I don't really kno why people use sex toys. I've nothing against sex toys; I just don't find them interesting. I'm still happy just to have a warm body next to me.
Yum, burnt bagel and "cheese"... Damn my vegan boyfriend.
I named my fetus Tiger Lily! It's a cutie huh?
I adopted a cute lil' easter bunny fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

They should make sex toys for the depressed. Like whips that say "CHEERS!" or "LIFE IS PEACHY!" or dildos that say "HIGH ON LIFE!"
yea, that would be neato.
go Fetus-Mart!!
go His Infernal Majesty!!
i like the word melancholy
by the way. i <3 the smiths
Go there and scroll down a bit and you can download it all.
Go there and scroll down a bit and you can download it all.