whats that say to anyone?
its a town...meh...
silly lil' country town in ireland...meh...
so do i, but its where i crave to be =/ this is my first post since the death of EG, i thought i couldnt top his death by writing anything more, but recently i just cant stop thinking about ireland again >.< its driving me crazy
its really funny coz i can tell u most of the shops in that photo...
u see the pub "the west", red place...
me, my cousin and her mates all stood outside that place after walking right down from the top for about 15 mins debating on whether we should or shouldnt go in, in the end we decided meh fk it cant be assed with it, looks dead...
so we ventured back up to the top, and into O' Malley's... (O' Malleys in on the left hand side of the road so it aint in the pic obviously)
u can see near the top of the street a black sign above a door, thats MJ Hennahans!
at the top of the road is a big clock tower, and there is a pub adjasant to it called the clock tower :P
if, say u were walkin up that road from the picture, turn left, and on the side of the road is Oscar's where i spend 3 nights of my holiday getting pissed and enjoying the fine totty!!
if u take a right instead of a left at the top of the road u can go down to the bank (on your right hand side) or go to the supermarket (on your left)
to the north west of the clock tower (from the pictures view) there is a chippy called Blue Thunder, serves luvly chips and a fantastic burger (perfect @ 2 am)
there is a music shop on the left side of the pic, along with various merchandise shops and a cyber cafe on the right hand side of the road, that is on the same side as the sports shop where i got my lansdowne rugby top... which im currently wearing...
that is the place i want to be, you may well say OMG its nothing like blackburn, well then case closed :P
its not only that town centre tho, if u continue past the clock tower up that road, u hit the real country side, fields, ocean views, long windy roads which continue on to murrisk and eventually Louisborgh where my nan grew up...
not far from Louisborgh is Old Head beach, fantastic place, has alot of fishermen there, but the best bit about Old Head is not just the view of the beach but the view of the legendary mountain Crough Patrick...
there are soooo many photo's of that place in my nans photo album collection, along with other great pics of the fantastic scenery.
id luv to be able to finish a long hard shift @ work, and go into westport and just sit back with a drink and listen to some randoms playin some irish music in a pub, or go for a nice sunday drive around the sea views...
tis where i wanna be =/ and i guess the only real thing i've truly in my heart of hearts loved is that place,
gay entry huh :P
this isn't a gay entry, i'd do the same thing probably w/ like uhm rome or paris...since i really wanna go there, but ireland is nice too :D
it makes me wanna go there.
the buildings are so colorful.
so youu don't youu live in ireland?
it's such a prettyy place.
prettier than where i live.