hehe dunno why i like this song so much i just do...
FIRST OFF, space bar being a burning piss again so excuse the lack of spaces (if there are, im hitting the space bar quite hard with my thumb :D)
lol me and Hannah need a song, as suggested by her lol
i've made alot of diary entries lol im sat here with some of my hair in my mouth (love the softness running through my lips, SOUNDS KINDA GAY but recently i've been kinda campish :O need a good drinkin session with "da ladz" lol dancing with men doesnt help :P
gay is cool, its a fashion...
if Hannah was a lad i'd be gayer than Elton John... although any gayer than Elton is i think Lilly Savage doing stand up =/
anyways FEW THINGS
The Doubt
ok this is gonna sound like im being deep and fair fallin...
but yesterday i felt so close to Hannah and its like the first time (?) i've ever felt that close to someone, well a girlfriend...
the thing is, i've seen so many people break up who've been real close, i think me and hannah are fair close and will continue to get closer :) this i cannot wait for...
however there is a kinda sense of fear that this would end one day =/ and at this moment in time i dont want it to lol, i like her alot but i've seen the best relationships fall apart and the damage its done...
I sat with Tami the night Oli and her broke up and she was bad,
I saw Ally in tears over Guss,
I saw Chew in tears (yes my big hairy bear :P)
I've seen Mooney like that aswell, especially with Emma (blonde lass) that was bad...
my point is, i've seen what bad break ups are like and i dont really want this to happen to me, but i know someone it will/might =/
ah well take the rough with the smooth eh, although some might say "easier said than done"
i cant wait to have other nights like last night, i really enjoyed it and i cant wait to get to know Hannah better :D
i guess doubt happens in all relationships (?)
All, Of my hate cannot be found... i will not be drowned BY YOUR THOUGHTLESS SCHEMING!
lol we were talkin bout movies n shit (hannah loves chick flicks see i took note :P i do listen :D) and she was like " Seen this movie??" my reply was like, "umm no" her **instant** reply was "YOU WILL!" lol it was sooo cute, if i wasnt goin "aww" she was :P
was just such a good night, i remember all of it lol, i cant believe i sat on a bench for 4 hours talkin, i never usually do that not even with mates lol it was sooo great lol
i sound like im boastin now =/
however throughout my joy i shall always be there for my mates if they need me :)
lol, im lookin @ diary entry names, and i see:
* thoughts
* good nights out
* lashing out over breakups
and for the first time ever!!! :
* Me being all joyfull :D :D
so even if me and Hannah ended tomorrow (PLEASE DEAR GOD NO I BEG U DONT JYNX THIS!!) then i would still thank her, for the 3 days of joy and it has been an honour being with her...
i write these feelings here now coz i wanna compare them to my feelings if we're still together in say 1 month? and then say 3 month and then 6 etc etc just to see if i still feel the same :) if i do, we're on a winner, hopefully she will still feel the same way then aswell lol
anywho enough of ranting im gonna go read old diary entries...tis what they're there for
but i'll be there for u man, just like you've been there for me :)