Today is mine and Josh's 2 months.
Doesn't seem like a lot but it's close lol..
I like him so much.
I got to see him yesterday, but not today =(
Yesterday was nice though.
We went back to his mom's house and played Life with her, her boyfriend and his son.
I had a great time.
I think his mom likes me!
Which is a good thing. No, a GREAT thing =D
I wasn't nervous or anything either, which is even better. Now I don't feel so akward lol.
Josh got his lisense too! I'm so proud of him ^_^
Now I just have to work on getting mine. The day will come, sooner or later haha...
Well, I'm pretty tired actually. It's like 11:11 pm and I got up at 9:45 this morning or so.
OOh. And I also saw 007 Casino Royale. Great movie, Daniel Craig plays an EXCELLENT Bond. I recommend you see it!
see... secksay

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