My random mood: Clever.
well josh came over unexpectedly last night.. he walked to my house after school got out when it was like effin blizzarding outside.. then he said he was going to walk home, which is on the other side of town.. so i called roman and he was such a sweetheart to come pick him up.
pretty nifty crazy.
I want to get my hair cut. kinda like this guys...
Idk tho. what do you guys think? i put one of my pics up on my header, so if ur wondering who that is, its me. so then you can compair the pics, me with long hair now, or if i shud get it cut?
aahhh.. im in computer art at the moment. were supposed to be working on our pictures for photoshop, but i finished so i dont have to.
soooo Brianna and Roman are going out now!! im sooo happy for them.. its cute the way he asked her too... he bought her the new korn cd and put a little heart on it that said, "will you go out with me?" it was so adorable.. i didnt get to see it happen but patience told me that she cried. awe.
soooo ashley, ricky charboneau and i are all going to the snow dance together. i get to be the pimp ricky says cuz he is used to getting owned by me and he doesnt want ashley to own him lol... sorry ashley... but were all going to match and wear pink and black. its sweet. but idk what im going to do if i get asked by someone else to go. especially if i want to go with them. but ill worry about that IF the time comes, cuz im not saying that someone else will ask me to the dance. i highly doubt anyone would.
mmmmm.. kayse and i have our own hawt guy notebook now. its pretty sexy. it has pics of wentworth miller on it, bam margera, ville valo, heath ledger, daniel radcliffe (YEA!), that one guy in the movie red eye (i think.. its with rachel mcadams too), and. um.. hold on, OMG oh yeah, johnny depp, johnny knoxville, gerard way, mikey way, and FRANK from mcr also. mmmm very hella hawt dayum.
well theres not much else for me to write about that is of any interest to any of you readers, but im sure something else will come up sooner or later.
lots of love,
xoxo Brittany xoxo

thanks =]