I don't have as much fun anymore at home with Nick being gone and all, but I am dealing. Its boring.. no one to talk to lol..for lack of better words.. parents are no good for a fun conversation lol. well, I got a phone call from Nick the other day!! He called me at midnight Italy time. He said he was standing on his porch of his permanent resident watchin
Air Force One land right next door! That is so cool. Hes been all over the place all ready, I am so jelous because I love to travel, and we've always traveled together and now hes left me behind in teh dust.. ugh.. lol. But he is keeping our tradition alive!! Everywhere we go, now this may sound weird to you but its our tradition lol, we make sure to get a picture of a local
bum/hobo/homeless person whatever you want to call em. Its kinda weird, but on my trip to DC I made friends with one..I said I liked his poncho, and he asked me for money. We had a close bond me and the DC bum lol.

Wow.. i dont know what to do with myself right now.. its been months and I still havent gotten used to the whole "Nick isnt living here anymore" thing. lol.. I still catch myself sometimes when i am caught in a moment knocking on his bedroom door cause I had something to tell him. Its werid because I know he isnt living here, but yet I stil catch myself acting as if he did. Right now if he were still living here [its 12:49 am] we would be up listening to music, and joking around with eachother. He would be on the computer, and I would be playin his video games beating his high score on a game were you win the more damage you cause driving... its the only thing I could beat him at! lol... but I can say goodbye to those times now.. because now its 7:51 am where he is and he has been up for at least an hour [or more] working. Its weird how I saw him transform from my werido brother to an Airman. One minute he was wearing his trench coat and boots, and then he is dressed in BDU's holding a gun that he could tell you everything about and could kill you with without even pulling the trigger.
but I am happy for him, he held onto his dream and now hes living it. We all have to grow up sometime, right? I guess when I am grown up we can hang out like we used to, but I doubt it. He'll fall in love with some beautiful Italian girl and end up living in Italy forever, and I will [hopefully] be living my dream, and we will hardly ever see eachother.
I guess things will never be the same again.