Listening to: home - three days grace
Feeling: regretful
[I miss all my friend from my old school I really do.]
If anyone doesn't know K-I-T means Keep in Touch. KIT was written into my yearbook by just about everyone of my friends. Sorry to say but reality is- we're not going to "k-i-t". We just write it into eachothers yearbook because then and there we are friends knowing that next year we wont even talk.
Its a 2 way street
I suppose this is a 2 way street. So if I were to be angry at anyone for not "kit" it would be half my fault I suppose because for them to kit with me I would have to do the same with them.
I chose..
I guess you could say I am keeping in touch with certain people. Its harder to talk when you dont go to the same school, or if you do but dont have any classes together. Thats sort of a test to see how strong your friendship really is, and how bad you want it to last.
I've been friends with..
When I was about 5 or 6 years old I met this girl Lisa, she just moved across the street. We became friends, we did everything together. There was a point were we practically lived with eachother. I spent like a week or two at her house just cuz. We went to the same elementry school, then at middle school we went to differnt schools, but we were still friends. Then we didnt live across the street from eachother anymore. I moved 2 miles away. Still friends. High School came and we went to the same school, but in different courses, still Best Friends.
But then something sad happend..
My best Friend from when I was 5 years old told me she is moving. Now I thought "No biggy" because when I moved we were stil friends, and we still hung out, but I only moved 2 miles away. She moved out of the city :'(. For the first time ever, this may be the biggest challenge yet to keep our friendship close. It one thing to be only a few minutes from eachother, but a few hours thats a new story.
I hope we will still be the bridesmaids at eachothers weddings like we promised eachother we would be when we were kids.

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