Well, I guess it has been a while since I have written. So much has been going on! Me and Tracy are doing well and had a good Valentines day together. Wasn't so romantic as she had to work but I think we did okay. I bought her candy, a stuffed bear, and tulips. They are pictured below. She got me candy and a stuffed bear holding it. She is such a sweetie. Her plan was to get this picture frame, which she did, and have her mom mail her a picture of herself so as to put it in the frame and place it in my apartment yet her mother never sent the picture. I think it would have been nice to walk into my apartment and find a picture of her there, placed just where I would find it and make me smile. Anyhow, after she got off of work she came over and watched Most Extreme Home Makeover with Donald and I and then we rented Jersey Girl and watched that as well. Donald left and she left soon after as she had home work still to do. She is so very busy yet she still finds time to spend with me.
Now, for me... I went to two physics study sessions today, got all of my homework done during that 3 hours of study sessions and thus have removed the biggest stress factor for the week. I feel there will be an entirely new stress factor coming on tomorrow as I should be getting back my physics test grade and my differential equations test grade. Both of those tests were taken a week ago Tuesday and I don't really have any idea how I did. I think I did okay on the differential equations test yet really don't have a lot of faith in myself on the physics. I plan on attending as many of the study sessions as I can as they really got me thinking about the problems and helped me to understand why I was doing what I was doing instead of just trying to find a formula that solved that particular equation. Well, tomorrow will come and go and I just hope I did better than I think I did.
Good night to all and I hope everyone had a great Valentines day!

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