Well, the news said it was the first white Christmas since 1918 for Edna, Tx. In that year the town got 1/10 of an inch, this year we got 12 inches! I think it might be the most snow Edna has ever seen. Most years, if it snows at all, it doesn't even make it to the ground to melt, you can see it in the sky floating around but it turns to rain before it gets to the ground! This was one of the best Christmas' ever. I got to see Dawn quite a bit today, I didn't get to see her as much as I would have liked to, I mean, there aren't enough hours in a day to allow me to see her as much as I would like to, but still, it was great. We had a snowball fight in the morning; all that fun stuff then did our family things. Some of my friends made a snowman that was over 8 feet tall. I would like to put a picture of it up, but I don't really know how to post the images in this entry box... maybe sometime I will learn. I got to spend several hours with Dawn in the evening, it started out rough as I had to wait an hour for her to be ready while my family was already gone to the grandparents where we were supposed to be... that wasn't so cool, but then the rest of the night went so great. The best part was on my couch, just looking into her eyes, giving a few kisses every now and then... Everything was perfect, a warm house, a snow covered yard, and the one you love in your arms. It was our first Christmas together, many more to follow. I want to spend the rest of forever with her, I know this. I want to have her forever. If we make it a year, I want to ask her to marry me. I want her to become my wife. We won't do anything until I am out of college and we are able to support ourselves. We can't fathom starting a family without having first started our lives out in the right direction. I could be engaged my last semester of college, or even my last year of college. I want there to be a length of time between engagement and marriage since Dawn has been known to run;) I love her with all my heart and really do think we have what it takes to make it forever. Thank you baby for the most wonderful Christmas ever!
God, if you are listening, I am so very grateful that all my friends are safe during this holiday time and all throughout the upcoming year. I hope that you take care of each and every one of them. I also thank you for bringing me and Dawn together, I am so very glad that you see what we see in each other, even if not many do. Dawn is the one I want, I want everyone to know! Thank you, God, for listening to my petty thoughts.
Everyone have a great safe remainder of the year 2004!
Really, how could it be more perfect, snow, family, love, happiness, and my first Christmas with Dawn... It all went so well together, I can't wait to see what the next year brings.... I love you all, and take care!

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