All the stuff with my gram and stuff is not good.. but Im so tired of complaining about it, thats probably why I stopped writing all the time.. a lot of stuff isnt good and im sick of only talkin about that and sounding like a whiney lil bitch.
...So About my weekend..
Went with Ashlee to see
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.. It was good but the lil oompa loompas Suck. They couldve done such a better job on them...
Saw lots of people there. Umm. Justin, Stephen, Shawn & GRat Lowe.. and then other people whom I don't care to mention in my SIT. *gag*
I went to the Summer Hill carnival.. to see the fireworks. They were supposed to be different (said the newspaper) we went and they actually were different. They were really good. there were a lot of ground ones and that's cool cause we were only like 4 rows away from where they got set off. We had all the stuff from the fireworks flyin at us and it was all over mom's car when we left..Lol.. It was just JD,Sara, Mom, and me that night so it was a good time. No Kids. No worries. We talked about my brother moving in my gram's house when she goes..It's not a bad idea..
We went to Knoebels for my mom & ray's work was Jd, Sara, Mom, Ray, Karlie, Brynn, and Me. We took Brynn on the Skloosh..hehe she was so scared but she loved it! And then we took them on lil rides and I got to see Maylin and my Moises;) And Umm KESTER!!! Kester was there (with the Weis picnic) and we hung out with him for awhile. We took JD on the Phoenix and he was sooo nervous..but then he liked it so much he asked us to go again with him..Lol.. Then we took him to the Twister and I think that one had him a little more scared, but we made it. He liked them.. We're almost ready for the 457 ft one;) haha. Riiiight. Im not even almost ready for that.. I still wanna go though.. YEAH
Ooh After Knoebels Ray took me to Blockbuster..and there was this new hot guy working there..Yay!
So.. Richie wants to hang out tonight but I dunno what he wants to do and he's being dumb and won't tell me who knows..
Here's to being bored.

My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
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-.x.- Hasbrown