Anagram that, all you battle ready sex queens!]
Erika already knows the answer. ;-
Okay, so I'm making this entry ACTION PACKED. Grr, yes!
First I want to talk about the girl that I'm totally digging right now.
I'm not going to talk about her on here all the time anymore, just because--and get this--I actually
I really do have feelings for this girl, not only as someone I would love to hold hands with and take a stroll with during a pretty sunset, but as a person that I care so much for
as my friend.
I feel like sharing all these personal things like this behind her back is so deceitful, and I don't want to do that. It makes me feel guilty.
So yes, right now
I'm working on my friendship with her, because she's such a lovely person. Hopefully, tomorrow I can hang out with her, but me'sa see how that goes.
I can't remember taking this one, but it was a while back, and I was looking at it today and thought it looked awechume to have been taken on my webcam]

I took these the other day, when I had this VERY BIG craving to wear make-up. I just wanted to feel that strangeness of having eyeliner painted onto the rims around my eyeballs. And I wanted fake eyelashes, and lipstick on my lips. And surprisingly, a few of them DID come out looking like I was wearing eyeliner. Odd]

I took these today, with my hair up. First with a thingy in the back, and then I started taking ones with my hair in kinda-pigtail type things]

G'night Lovelies.
||The Worm in Your Apple
And if you're name was Jip that would be pretty crazy. Gross even. Maybe change a couple of letters to make it Jiff or Skip..hmm both peanut butter brands. Thats sickening; the coincidence not the beanut putter.
You look like a puppy!
One of them reminds me of that one Ashley took of herself, that was on her diary for-evaR.
Anyway. I'm going to go read.
Cute Pictures ;o)
Goodluck with the new affection. I hope it works out wonderfully for you :o)
Have A Lovely Day*
♥ Lyss*~