Listening to: Dresden Dolls: Good Day
Feeling: starving
Today was an okay day. Which in Sarah speak means good... even though at the same time it kind of wasn't...
I have a doctor's appointment at 5:40...
Hooray for fucked up mental illness... or something. Hello pills, how I've missed you.
Health made me laugh. We learned more about Drugs and stuff... which was fucking hysterical because I had lortab and nyquil in my backpack for moi and arjay if she asked again.
la oh well i thought it was funny.
World studies was lamishly funny. Shiwani used my phone and I drew a picture while Mr. Fuller lectured us.
Followed Mary and Jackie and ArJay out of the room when the bell rang and sat in the lunch room. I used money and bought a donut and pepsi, I've had that 10 for like a week and ahven't broken it so yay me!
Jordan asked me why arjay was mad at him.
psshhh. "all i know of is because you laughed." because i know there is more. there was an ultimatum made.
ArJay went off to find Brett to do business. but could not so went to Nephi instead.
Chemistry was fun.
She made me sit by her and we sat there and talked about things and sucked spinning M&Ms off the table. He had a big energy drink. Kolby was late, but it was fun. They tested their blood sugar and arjay squeezed her finger and blood sprayed her face and her paper and her fingernails.
we laughed and she wrote her name in blod on paper. she smeared it.
The sub looked like she was going to throw up. Kolby got a haircut. "bitch hawk" haha but it looks good. He keeps improving his hair. SHe let us go early and I followed mary for a bit, then she turned hte other way so I went with ArJay and Kolby so that they could stalk the hot people.
On the way out she was like "we can't be late to english." so we stopped and talked to Jess and Kolby and the other colby and then she talked to brett and as we were walkign down the slippery spot she asked the martin kid if the one minute music was playing, he said no, and we got like two steps furhter and the fucking bell rang. so we laughed and arjay said "I just got a 0 in citizenship" it was sad but funny too.
we got in the building and started running to make it seem convincing.
biggar bought it hahahah
We are in a group with Shanice and Jess. Yay we all basically signed up for the same people. hehehe. we took notes and all that jazz and arjay felt happy.
she is angry at kaleb. she wrote note faces to him. I can't make them...
I am happy with my picture.
Shanice is funny. ArJay pulled her arms. and we read the twelfth night.
i keep feeling this tight pull and twinge in my arm. I think it has something to do with the pins.
That makes me laugh. MUAAHAHHAHAHAHA.
we read and she wrote kaleb notes and I realized that I have fallen back into the involuntary follow mode. we walked out of class and she freaked because she couldn't find her iPod so i followed her back.
eek! oh well. not a bad thing really. walked out of the building. Jackie was giving her a ride to work so she told me that if Jordan asked if she was here to tell him that i hadn't seen her.
I walked away and got on the bus, and sat down across from where Jordan was in my standardish seat and he said "why is she mad at me?" and i just said "all i know again is because you laughed.." he said "oh that's what i thought, but it was FUCKING hilarious."
stormy got on behind me and jordan told him to protect him and i asked "protect you from what?" and he leaned towards my side of the bus and said "isn't she coming?" and i said "no, i don't even know if she's here."
and he sank back into his seat and went "i know she's here. WAIT!!!!! YO uwere walking with her. I SAW you after 7th."
LMAO.. i feel bad.
I listened to the lovely gothic erotica cd on my way home.
now i listen to happy music and dread 5:40 and talk to kyle...
I am tired...... my arm hurts. I want to look at my lovely picture. I drew a girl with a mohawk too hehe. I should put htem here.
Put your pictures on here. I'd love to see them.