Listening to: Reggeton
Feeling: thoughtful
Life, is a bitch. Once again, one that I care for is gone. Gone from this world in a better place I think. Just found out yesturday.
Ya, I woke up facing two faces that I would never forget. Victor and Barbie. I started crying. They didn't held back. They also felt the pain that I was feeling.
Damn! Just think about it. Three weeks ago he was going to propose to his chicana. Damn!! I could lose anyone. But not him. My heart has being broken again. To the point that I just see the world pass me by. But not anymore, I have to make something out of nating.
I'm leaving to Cali, I'm just going to get my ticket. B/C my life in NC is not for me. I belong with my people's =D. But thang again. I have to say here for a while just to make the people that care for me not to worry about me.
Jorge and Luis also came over after I called them. Damn =(
We're going to c a movie later today. The one with the guy from the Matrix, and the gurl from the Mummy.
Ungrounded I think, mama knew that I had to get out so she will let me go.
So I have to go we're playing around funny =D
RIP Gordo

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