Listening to: Ozma | If I Only Had A Heart
Feeling: fickle
today i found out that micah is the head of the technology desk, and that they don't read emails because the "help" they gave me was completely irrelevant to the advice i was searching. i'll probably have to make a visit ... ugh.
there is a bruise right above my cheek, below my eye. everytime i blink it twinges a bit. should i claw my face off? i think so.
i have these disturbing dreams where erin and i are still friends. it's weird because in the dreams i KNOW we aren't and i try to ask her why she's talking to me/hanging out with me but i can't and it's frustrating. i hate them. oh well.

erin sucks my balls.
i like that half imagined thing too.
Lalalalalalalala! You are my twinkling trollop!
I think I'm losing my touch...or at least in this moment I can not think of anything clever or witty or so stupid that it'll get a giggle or two to say!
you get the picture in your entry
slot i want i wnat!!! tell me!!!!!...
preety please*
Luv sonya
p.s lenni is AWESOME!