lol so anyways i was taking a nap after the final today and my fren suddenly called me saying that my final score has come out!!!!!!!
and so i became really awaken lol and checked the score out and it turns out that im the highest among all my frens!!
(8)w00t w00t oh yeah oh yeah im good im good(8)
so anyways.. im really happy and altho i know that i wont be doing so good tmrw in my english exams but oh w/e lol
i like charlie a LOT :] and oh my this is sooo bad lol.. i shudnt be like this.. he's gonna be too freaked out about me being too much romancy and all :s
anyways.. i have a lot of things that i wanna tell LiLchris coz we havent talked much lately
and i cant imagine when i go back to indonesia and how bad im gonna be thinking about charlie and chris and everyone that i leave here.. :(
im feeling not wanting to go back to indonesia even for holiday.. it was really nice for a while thinking about it when i was single lol but not anymore now..
well anyways today there's the america's next top model and chris said that Tyra is gonna go ballistic so i wud definitely watch it :D
wish me luck for my english exams and thanks for wishing me luck for today's exam :]
btw.. this is a comic strips that i made for charlie :p

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