Listening to: Living Colour-Cult of Personality
This is alot of entry...alot to say, actually im just sayin that, itl prolly be done in like 9 lines, lol. Im thinkin I might get a new pickup in that guitar, prolly a Seymour Duncan, I will prolly use my buddies old pickup (which is awesome) till i can afford the Seymour Duncan, I want somethin with more kahunas with distortion. It is a beautiful guitar and it sounds awesome, I couldnt be happier.
This friday Alisha is comin over on the bus with me, which is fuckin awesome :-). I havnt hung with her in like 2 weeks, and i cant this weekend, or the next I think, so she is comin over for a couple hours this friday :-). I couldnt be happier with her either, she is everything I need, and more <3. I love her. I hope everything works, with the way things are going, I dont see why they wouldnt, things are amazing, yet again, shit happens. IDK, ill just hope for the best.
On another note, guitars again, brian came over yesterday with his beast and we jammed, wrote some new shit, was awesome, its a fairly decent lil thing too, I like it alot, we each change back and forth between melody and chord progressions, and we each made up our own melodies, then the other person made up the chord progression to follow the melody, flows very well.

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