Have you ever had that feeling in your heart like something bad is going to happen?
She gives me that feeling almost everyday. There hasn't been a day when I don't think about her...so I call her.
cell phone: no answer
mum's house: no answer
dad's house : no answer
what happened to her?
"Rachel got kicked out of her house... her mom couldn't handle it anymore... no one has seen her since"
I swallowed hard and held back the tears.
Never in my life have I felt so helpless. I know how it feels now.
where is she now?
where is she staying at?
what drugs is she taking now?
is she cold?
why couldn't I speak up when I had the chance?
How do you let go of someone that has been with you through thick and thin for most of your life?
The one I called my best friend for 9 years holds that tittle no more.
She doesn't know me.
I know her even less.
I see life as a long road. Maybe this is just another street sign?... I shall look four ways before I continue.

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