ok, so yes, my weekend.
why is it that i never seem to be ready to get on here until its like, 2 in the morning?
eh well.
my weekend pretty much
kicked ass.
kim came over on friday night and spent the wekend (startin to get the whole good weekend thing yet? lol)
so yeah, i was
sooooooo nervous for like, that entire day. i couldn't stop pacing and i was all jumpy and yeah...it was pretty sad.
i dunno. but i was SO afraid she was going to walk in and like, slap me or yell at me or something (trust me, i'd deserve any of that from her...and more) so i was all nervous and yeah...
then i walked in and i saw her...OH MY GOD it was so good to see her...like, seriously, you cant even begin to imagine what it was like to FINALLY see her again...just imagine loving someone with everything you have, and not seeing them for 4 months...god i missed her.
so yeah, we hugged for like 5 minutes, lol. honestly, i wish it wouldve been longer.
then we took her stuff into my room and hung out in there for a while, then my mom left...fun stuff ;) lol
so yeah...we pretty much just hung out and watched movies for the rest of the night.
then on saturday we went to walmart for like, 2 hours, lol. we ran into brian and this guy seth and megan and yeah...lol, kimmi got a kick ass hat too.

anyway, then we went to this one place cuz my mom had to get something...and we started talking...and i have no idea what brought it on, but...
she asked me out.
and yeah, for a minute i was all
whoa. i'd actually planned on asking her...but i wasn't expecting her to say yes, because its long distance (she lives in new york :'( ) and i didnt think she'd be into that, especially since shes starting a new school which will probably be FULL of hot guys and beautiful girls...but yeah, she asked me instead...lol.
and yeah, ive been like, in love with her for almost a year...so what do you my answer was? lol. it was kinda hard for me to spit it out because i was 1/2 going into shock and 1/2 about to cry, lol, but eventually i did.
so yeah...that was awesome. still hard to believe that it's real sometimes, but i
think im getting used to it. the whole 'girlfriend' thing is still extremely weird to me though. like, i was talking to someone today, and i was like "yeah, my girlfriends awesome, i hope you get to meet her." and after i was all 'wow that felt weird...' lol.
then on sunday, we were in my room being camera whores (we were major camera whores this weekend by the way) and my door opens and in walks barry. i was all "huh?"
apparently he walked to my house from his...lol. thats about 8 miles.
yeah, that boy
definetely needs a life. lmao.
so then we were camera whores again, then sarah came over and we all just kinda hung out. it was fun.
then we painted...lmao, not going into that, but lets just say kim was violated by one of the paint brushes in the worst way...lmao.

(theres more to this picture then meets the eye...*wink* lol)
anyway, then on monday morning kimmi had to leave :'( i was pretty sad about that...BUT i didn't cry because i didnt want to make her sad.
hopefully i get to see her again soon...i know it's only been 2 days, but...i miss her
:( yeah, i know, im pathetic,
so sue me.
anyway, heres a few of our pictures, there were over 50 though, lol.

isnt she adorable?

hmm...thats me. i hated this picture at first, but now its kinda growing on me.

barry looks different in this one...i like it

its an emo pile!

shes so effing awesome

haha, i think your hairs in my eyes ;)

god i love her...
you know, its strange. when i first started talking to her again, i
never expected anything like this. i expected it to go something like this:
me: i'm sorry
kim: ok
me: can you ever forgive me?
kim: i don't know...maybe someday...
~someday comes~
kim: ok, i forgive you
me: ok...thank you
and then after that she'd just be one of those people that i'd say hi to online, and if i saw her just kinda stop and ask her how her life was and stuff, then move on. more of an acquaintance then anything. i never expected for us to be friends again, much less to be what we are now...
funny how things work out sometimes.
anyway, that was my awesome weekend. i actually have more to say, but i think this entry is long enough, lol, so yeah...next entry.
I love my girlfriend!!!!
♥ like woah! lol
How are you today?