oh my stars im going crazy i miss my babygirl sooooo fking much. really i know i say that all the time but i miss her more than anyone could ever imagine [yummie] im eating a chikfala biskut w/ cheese && a sweet tea! oh how i love chikfala...just about as much as i love rach...haha jk nothing comes close to that. im so sick of hearing about miss katrina. its reallly making me sad i turned on this channel and like it had all these messages from people who were missing there kids and i started crying. its so depressing what is the world comming to? who knows! oh yeah i found some pics that are from a long time ago...mostly inside jokes!!!

*aha me & my sis had a good time with that movie on the way to tampa....haha*

*ahaha me and ash had some funny times with those "thongs!"*

*were so gangsteerrr! i miss ashiecole =(*

*gaah i miss him he still has my earings!!!! 2 years now kid!!!*


*ash && i BF43!*

* aw christian && renie! ha me && that girl had some good times in 1st period....*

*josh.....i miss him tooo!!!*

*amber && rennie!!! 6flags el jallopinio nachos && cum .... ahhh*

* tony i miss sk8ing with that kid =(*

* my polka dot purse...that thing is hotter than ur face!*