Listening to: otep - shattered pieces
cheap gas
I have decided that i am fucking all men off. I dont want anything to do with men again. I believe that all men have the potential to rape and kill...to strangle and violate...to leave you bloodied and bruised in an alley..in your home...anywhere...But, more to the point i believe that along side this potential all men WANT to rape womyn. ::Dont let them get you:: RISE
I guess you could call me a feminist...im taking that road. And yes, i am now a lesbian.
So im getting this tattoo on my upper right arm when i have some money together and underneath it,it's going to say either 'per molestias eruditio' meaning 'learning through hardship' or 'disce quasi semper victurus; vive quasi cras moriturus' meaning 'learn as if you were going to live forever; live as if you were going to die tommorow'

blah i ate some today at lunch. :( im mad at myself. i had a couple of fries and a little piece of chicken that i torn off. oh yea and some teddy grahms. man, if i want to lose weight im not going about it the right way >.>
-stabs self for being stupid-
i hate men. they suck
meh, you know what? jay asked some other girl to go out with him and robert and his girlfriend this weekend because i couldnt go. :( should i chop off his penis or what?