Yeah... I decided I was going to make a stupid face, and thats how it turned out.

I was shocked, really.

"We have weird lesbo expiriences." Haahahaha.

Lindsey does need help. XD

Thats my dog, BJ. Yes, BJ is part of the nerd squad! He was a little drunk though, since I decided to give him some kaluha.

Yeah... some of these you just can't comment on.

Like this one.

This is, overall, the most hilarious picture of the batch. I did it while I was in movement so thats why I look so fucked. We laughed for 10 minutes straight after this.

Yes, Lindsey and my (male) dog have "ESBO" expiriences.

Work it, baby.

Ohh, penetrating, really.

Classic Linds.

Thats my sharpie.

...and my Mouse.

Close up!



And again.

And again, slut-style.

Even my dog joins in.
I needed a good laugh. Thanks.
-The One!