ok so my boss is an idiot. The president of the company used to be in charge of the front office. He got to busy so he put the pre press supervisor in charge of us.
This guy doesn't have a clue whats going on up here. My job is simple. I pay the bills whatever I don't get done goes on a report. Then the president of the company can compare it to out finanical statement. So my report was due yesterday. I rocked this month. I had a total of 3 invoices to put on it. This is my best month ever. I had been so behind since i started in this postition. The girl before me kinda fucked me over. So i'm finally caught up and its a great feeling.
Anyhoo. I didn't add these one invoices ( since I paid them) It was a total of 10,000. I knew they shouldn't be on this report but my new boss is insisting that they do. So i said fuck it and added it. I just got called into the presidents office. It was me, the sales person, my boss and the pres. The sales person and I are trying to explain what happened. We work together on this company. Usually i do have to put an estimated amount on the report. Normally we wont get the invoices until the next month. So i enter our esimate so the statement doesn't look way off. Well it really wouldn't look that bad the current month it would look like we earned money but the month after it would look like we lost since the ivoices would be entered as an expenise.
My boss had me enter it. I knew it was wrong and i told him but he insisted so I did. SO i go in there. The president figures out what happened. Realizes that I was right. surprise surpise. I looked like an idiot though. Now i have take it off my report and send it back up to corporate. I'm sure shes going to be thrilled to get the URP for a 3rd time. HE jsut pisses me off. He bugs me all day long. I have a chair in my office jsut for him since hes in here ALL the time. Its annoying. He could barely handle his own dept. I don't know why he gave him another one to mess up.
Sorry I jsut needed to vent
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