Hello people.. well I have a mini farm in my home which consists of two rabbtis (black and white-boy and girl) and my black rabbit today bit the pump wire to my sharks tank and it shocked him!!! =( Good thing I noticed he was just laying their stuck to the cord and couldnt let go so I pulled him off. Rabbits when scared can go into shock and die so im soooo glad he didnt!! hes not moving, but hes ok which is VERY good. It will tkae him a while to regain his composure but he'll be alright =) Im sooo happy for that! My poor baby!!! ='( and even the though white rabbit wasnt their she still knows hes hurt poor thing. (their brother and sister but since hes a boy and not neuter yet and hes got an uncontrollable urge to MATE so their kept in seperate cages. *oi* ttyl im gonna take care of my baby

You know what to do!!! lol very funny....*highlight*

Cant get more hyper than That!!!! lol +D

Retard O!!! on guard

Lmao!! finding Neeemo!! kids, dont do drugs
god i love ur diary too!
gah ur funny. ima add u to my friends otay.
drugs are bad.....har har...
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