Which Legend of Zelda character are you? ( has zelda pics of course with 8 different outcomes)

You are LINK!!! Thats awesome! You are corageous and are basically a hero in just about everyone's eyes.If anything You would definately love to go on an adventure. You most likely would help anyone in need, and probebly could easily go out of your way to help anyone who needs it... wherever you live people must think you are setting an excellent example to the community. Rate 5 and message!
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My teenage years. So far I have....
[x] Kissed
[x] Held hands with someone special
[x] Lost someone
[x] Never got a chance to tell someone something important
[ ] Cried my eyes out
[ ] Caught mono
[x] Danced
[x] Got rejected
[ ] Rejected someone
[x] Wanted to kill someone
[ ]Got called a slut/whore
[ ] Heard a rumor about yourself
[x] Hurt someone
[x] Got involved in sports
[x] Got called a dork
[x] Fell in love
[x] Fell out of love
[x] Went to a funeral
[ ] Known someone who has committed suicide
[ ] Wrote a love letter
[x] Went through a phase
[x] Got ditched
[x] Known someone really stupid and annoying
[x] Have too many ex's
[x] Smoked
[x] Drank
[x] Made mistakes
[ ] Found the one
[x] Thought you found the one
[ ] You cheated on your bf/gf
[x] Found out your gf/bf cheated
[x] Was lied to
[x] Felt like the happiest person in the world
[x] Felt like dyin
[ ] Got pregnant/ur girl pregnant
[x] Prayed
[x] Had a crush