This is the coolest movie ever. Just FYI. The part where they cauterize (excuse that awful attempt to sound that word out) their gunshot wounds with the iron... INSANE!

This is my desktop background. Its pretty awesome, pretty true, and just plain pretty. I found it at Deviantart.com, and it was done by krash.

This is actually my friend Ben lying in the middle of a fairly busy road. There were lots of takes of this picture, and I'm sure Ben's life flashed before his eyes more than once, but it was pretty awesome just the same.

This is Ben showing a little leg to a cop that went by us, like, 4 times while we were out there. Why he thought this would draw the cop to our party, none of us know...

Hunter lovin' that hamburger. I actually think this is him laughing at Ashley and Ben's zucchini cake incident... which was wicked funny.

I don't think I was Ashley's favorite person when I took this picture of her...

This is me hurrying to finish Ashley's b-day present the day before her b-day. I finished it at like midnight...

This, ladies and gentlemen, is Jensen Ackles. He's a personal favorite of mine right now. This is a shot from when he was on Smallville, but I must admit that he's better in the new show Supernatural.
... Well, I guess that's it for now with the pictures. I have more cool ones but it takes to damn long for them to upload...