The world has left you depressed and broken. You
have not felt love or wanted for a long time,
the silence and isolation is getting to you,
you want to die but you just won't. You may
also be hiding your feelings. Bad idea. If
you want to scream, scream, and if you want
to cry bawl your eyes out. It will make you
feel so much better, if only for a minute.
Also, don't cut yourself off from the world.
Right now all you need is a loving, trusting
How has the world affected you? O.o Pics, detailed results
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You would be a Jedi. Your loyalties tend
towards the good and ordered side of the
force. The self-reliant Jedi. Jedi Watchmen devote
equal training to combat and force use. While
they are not masters of either, they can
wield both with strength and power. Watchmen
are also blessed with more skills than any
other Jedi which adds to their self-reliance.
They are something of a rarity and all but
extinct in the modern universe, most Jedi
having banded together for safety and to
mastermind grander schemes, ergo; the
remaining sentinels are perhaps the greatest
Jedi and capable of filling many niches. Jedi Watchmen are often tasked with assisting and
protecting an entire planet, guiding from the
Jedi and Sith - What Variant Are You ???
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