wow. it has been a while hasnt it.. well lets see. wednesday we had our game. we lost =/ whats new. sigh. we really need to do alot better. i cant remember what happened in school. thursday, we had pratice at Civic. we fooled around which was bad and then we had a meeting. everyone just went around and said what we need to do to improve. yea. after pratice, a bunch of us went to the track meet and saw some people run and do their thang. hung out with scott and what not. god idk wth they see in her but w.e any way.. after that me, jame, steph, kurt and scott all went to the play. it was good. almost fell asleep. haha. had a fun time there. then my mom and i got in a fight and i really cant take my house any more. i love my family but idk. i guess its just a rough spot. =/ so then friday, i finally read my story and we had a vocab quiz in Ryder and a quiz on TKAM. yea i failed. god i need to do ALOT better in that class this marking period. any way.. friday we had a game against Kittitiany and we lost.. again. the other teams was a bunch of bitches so we all almost killed someone. well friday night, i went to franks with steph, jami and g. we had a blast. then slept over stephs with g. we missed ya jame!! good times. took some pics. staurday, we had pratice... 9am. it was prob the best pratice we have had in a loooong time. i think everyone actually learned something. i really hope we do good tomorrow. um.. that day i just chilled out i think. and did some homework. then i went to be around 9:30ish. i was fun. sister wasnt home for the past two nights so yea it was way nicer then ya think. today, i went to church.. saw scott.. then came home and went out and tanned. did some homework too. then jami, ger, steph and i and their parents all went to jefferson and did a little praticing of our own. it was fun, but tiring. then i came home and now im here just chilling out. i talked to becca. yay!! she went on another retreat and so i missed her all weekend. love her!! talked to mesha and worked some stuff out. love her too.
uhh.. life is pretty annoying right now. nothings the same. everything is going wrong. friends, family, school even! it sucks man. idk what to do any more. hmmmm.. helppp
heres some icons i guess..

-- love it

have fun
your secret anonymus admirer!!
ah who am i kidding, my IP address gives it away! lol