I probably won't be writing much this Summer.. I've been really busy and I will probably continue to be. I love this diary, and I have every intention of keeping it because I've gotten through a lot of shit with it.
On a happier note, I smoke more pot than I ever have. I have a drawer full of bluntwrap wrappers that I am saving.
At this point, Since about June 10th I've smoked.. about 42. Give or take. And that's not counting hits of General Lee.
Made a hoodie today:
Love it.
Merin is moving out in August and So is Mike. =[ I am NOT going to be happy by myself.
Agenda for this week:
Monday : Dentist appointment at 10. Shauna crashed here.
Tuesday: Hung out with Shauna. Washed my puppy. Don't know what else..?
Wednesday: I have a ton of shit around here to do. WORK. And hopefully Ashley's stopping by after work. [insert blunt]
Thursday: More quality Ashley time hopefully! And Corey?
Friday: Working probably.
Saturday: WORK!?
Sunday: COREY? I don't know I miss him.
Anyways, That's all that's really going on. I'm going to attempt to update about once a week. I want to remember this summer.
Oh yeah, when I get 65 or so free bucks... I'M GETTING MY SEPTUM PEIRCED.

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