"Who can ever be prepared for such a feat?" I called to the wind, letting the evening breeze carry my words through the sand.
Silently I gathered the nerve to move forward, it was now or never. Reaching the crumbling concrete walls that served as a gateway to the city I moved swiftly. To stop now would mean to lose my nerve and already I could feel the adrenaline pulsating through my undead form.
Everything about me reaked of death, everything was full of pain and each building seemed to cry out in agony. It all appeared to crumble before my eyes and I wondered if I had lost my mind. I wondered if this was nothing more then a vivid hallucination and at any moment I would awake to a simpler reality.
Here, in this place of waking nightmares, nothing was definate. I knew that if I survived this endevour with my mind intact I would be lucky. But it seemed that the odds were stacked against me and I already felt as if I should give up.
Moving through the darkened streets with their flickering streetlamps I wondered what had happened. What dark force had consumed this place and destroyed all purity and innocence. I knew these questions would forever go unanswered, but what was the harm in asking.
The sound of scurrying rats and screaming buildings were my only company as I wove my way deeper into the vile city. I knew I was closer to the center for the stench of death grew ever stronger. The smell of blood and rotting flesh only continued to intensify until I layed my eyes upon what must have been the town square. Before now that is.
Whoever had taken over this place was severly twisted in every sense of the word. For what I saw before my eyes was a picture so repulsive I shall ne'er forget its gruesome face. Some otherworldly beast had made and empire out of death and was lavishing in all its glory.
The once beautifully bronzed statue of the town founder, that stood in the center of the square, had been beheaded and human body parts lay strewn across the dilapidated form. Behind it was town hall, now a reeking palace of rot where only maggots dare to tread. The once perfectly kept marble staircases ran crimson with blood and not even rats hovered about.
The root of all evil lay just beyond that stairway. Behind those ancient doors of rottong wood was that which murdered innocence. That was were I had to go.
This was the point were it would end, here and now. But I had a feeling it wouldn't be that simple...