its official. i have seen HAWK NELSON LIVE THREE TIMES.
that excites me.
last night was the best though, Jas held my hand three times and during the
"NOW INSTEAD, TOMMY IS A CRACKHEAD ", the mic was like...right in front of my face!
and the Dizmas played too. I love them, i had met Zach at sonshine when i met Amber, but i didnt get to see them play because it was at the same time as the children show. so i had to pick my loyalties. but they rocked out yesterday. and Zach was in the crowd almost the entire time. it was cool.
4th Avenue Jones is more hip hop/soul than rock and ...well, thats not really my style but it was really fun.
i got in for free =D
Joanna Jenna Carlee and Steph came down for it and it was so much fun, i've missed everyone from willmar oh so much. im glad i saw you guys=]
Renata Lindsay and Alyssa came with us from here. it was cool to see them, and nata got a phone number =]
Overall it was wonderful.
My grades, on the other hand, are not.
here were my midterms
yesssss band rocks. and i sit behind pete snell, hes so cool. me and jordan play with his hair and stuff all the time and hes suck a sweetie. =D
Erik is stupid and holds hands with SLUTWHORE in front of me =[. oh well, im going to his house next weekend for a bonfire, me and alli and beth =D
Kommer dyed his hair red. and looks like a used condom. Jenny got thrown out of school and Tyler has a girlfriend. James's gloves smell really bad and The little Dropkick Murphy hit me in the face.
kyle's gay. dern it i love him!
here's some eye candy.
that is all.
kyle > davyyy?
i think so...