I feel upside- down.. lol it sounded funny so I kept it! I think I have an ear infection or swimmer's ear.. I went swimming today with Mom, Mamaw, and Jordan. And now my ears bothering me a little bit. I was really hungry when I got home! I ate a HUGE salad.. I haven't been that hungry in forever! I'm really tired now! Matt was supposed to call but ya know how that goes

lol! Gotta love me! uhh.. Tracy is supposed to maybe call tonight too.. that should be interesting. I got to talk to Angelica last night.. I love talking to her! I wrote her a note today! My biology test is tomorrow! WISH ME LUCK!! I think I am going to do ok! I hope?!?! I really don't have much to say! I'm going to church tomorrow with Shelly and her b/f Aaron... that should be fun! Church usually is! Mom's gonna start taking me to Eagle's way.. I'm gonna miss the people at Tekopple tho! Esspecially mi my mon Sham! and da Panda... I might go one more time this Sunday and take the kids with me! Well.. I'm gonna go ahead and go!
Blessing of the day: modern medicine
Love a.a.f.,