Listening to: TV-Muh Brotha Playin A FootBall game
Feeling: excited
All I have to say right now is that me and my friend is bout to be very BIG!! We bout to make sum,**singing** MONEY MONEY MONEY MOENNEYY!!!!!!! We practiced all day long, well for 6-7 hours straight!! We sound so GOOD!!!
But I haven't been on here in a while bcuz with school,and my babysitting,job and with this Producer thing, I really don't have tyme,so... I may not be on here alot no more.
All I here right now is CHING CHING,BLING BLING BABY!!! YEAH!!!!!
(are you happy for me???...I can care less if your not!! LOL) YEAH!!

yeah it was funny.well thanx for the nice comments bye