Bradley Nowell
You are Bradley Nowell! You're funny and inventive, very talented. You write lyrics, poems or other random literature very well. Nobody knew you but that's the way you liked it. Whoever did try and learn was good enough. Oh, he died in 1996 from a heroin over-dose. Very sad. I woke up so damn fuckin early to take my little brother to his church classes thing. I fuckin hate it when my mom goes to work and dosent take the responsiblity to fuckin take him. I had to cancel a appointment today with a college. Im so mad at her since thursday fuckin bitch man she makes my life imposiBle to live in. Dude today i went to target it was alright now alot of people where there so it was cool. Anyways i bought a new charger for my cell phone cause it fuckin broke. Oh and i couldnt find a nice patch for my bag man that got me so pissed. And Ike never ordered my shoes that fuckin asshole man i hate him. Dude and joey was so fuckin annoying he got me and my sister fuckin man he keeped on bitching about everything i swear im so mad right now i could fuckin kill you. Oh and i had a stupid retarded dream that the devil was talking to me.Grrrr ....well i guess ima go try getting happy. Peace Out Love Janis