your soul is lonely. you dont like spending time
with others but even though you wont admite it
you often do wont to be with the a group of
close friends but you just cant find the
courage to open up. maybe something bad
happened to you before and you still cant get
over it.

O.o Whoa, you aren't what they call a sweetie! You
are a red eyed human looking creature with
black feathered wings, and you're pretty but
looks can really lie. Your feathers represent
death and whenever someone dies, one feather
from your beautiful wings fall off. Deaths are
never ending and by now your wings would be
bare, but your feathers always grow back in
place where one fell off, waiting for another
murder, suicide, or accident. The feathers that
have fallen off are not useless... they put a
curse on those who touch it. You are downright
evil! You hate others, especially humans! Which
is why you do the best you can to make them
miserable. You always walk around and smile
with pleasure when you see people widen their
eyes with fear at the sight of you. You don't
care what anyone thinks and that's a good
thing! But... you've done a lot of things in
your life that... against some rules... but as
long as you like it and your not caught, who
cares right, demon girl? Rate 5 and message before killing me please!
Deep inside you, there's a creature trying to get out... What is it??? (Beauitful anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
your the angel of illusion...you love being in one
place then in another in an instant...your a
mysterious person who no one really
understands...but your life is such a blast.
Which Angel Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're element is fire. You've got a spicy
personality that's never boring. You like to
do things that are out of the ordinary and put
tons of passion into every aspect of your life.
Just don't let your firey temper get the better
of you!
What's your element? (with absolutely BEAUTIFUL pics, tons of results)
brought to you by Quizilla ....peace... RIP : John "Beatz" from Bayside. (You're in the heart of every fucking Bayside fan.)