today i was with my love.
we just hung out then later went to the mall for fooooooood.........
like everything was ok then shit kinda started to get messed up. i think hes insecure. or maybe jsut worried. and i totally love him for that. so im not mad of coarse, but then is tart to get uneasy and start feeling untrusted...
then again...if he wasnt worried or didnt care i wud be pissed. so im happy just the way i anyways...haha sometich...
hahah yea Biiiiaaa....
uh anyways...haha
i think i am uterly hated. by someone i used to be very cool with.
i think
i am.
maybe a few thats a bummer
it matters to me. but not to them. so maybe theres no point.
ahh watever.
i dont need to be thinking of this
over the past two days...

him playing my piano at my dads house

at the mall

just being cute