I’m just too prestigious to believe in. My heros are FAKe. And so am I. I dressed to impressed, and now I’m a walking self-hate bomb. Ticking. Death did not come close. It came dressed in white and devised. Before I became everything I hated. Now, It is everything I struggle to be. I am hate and I am here to fucking stay. This world isn’t big enough for my ego. I should’ve killed myself to make everybody pay. And now I am. [The King in the black limousine died.] The boy that you love, will become the man that you’ll fear.

i just used one of those online translators.
and i found out muertoamor means dead love.
okayy, maybe i'm a bit slow.
but the onlyy spanish thing i know how to say is "where is the bathroom."
but yea, i like yourr name.
now that i know what it means. (=
Everyone loves the media.
How do you know about the drugs?
i. am. pregnant.
It's true, though.
Corrupt society.
It's hard when there's only you.
You're the only society left to trust and confide in. Yourself.
And then there's the drugs..
Why am i half pain, but full instumental?
That's flattering.
i haven't told anyone yet.. But i've just fucked up my life.
You may be Jewish or Buddist or whatever but have a sweet ass time doing what you do over the break
Party Time is here if you know what I mean
Son of a bitch
i'm Vienna.
It's nice to know yhou exist..
Do you believe in it?
You have a bad out look on life?