everything is finally back to normal.
and i'm loving everminute of it.
sarah + me = stillfriends.
and it will always be that way.
i havent been getting sleep much.
but that is doing just fine.
for now anyways.
i have pictures of me and derrick.
i think im actually bored enough to post.
[some are of nights before durk came over]

fake smile?

kaela came over, before it got bad.
im glad i stopped before i really did anything.

there was blood on my finger, and when i went to whipe tears away, this happened.

i tried so hard not to laugh.
he always makes me laugh.

and here my gay bf is attempting to pick my nose.
all in a matter of days.
i'm fucking insane.
[but this time, it's a goodway.]
your a loser.
i didnt even press enter.
well yeah.
im back to sitdiary really.