Listening to: none
Feeling: torn
got up a lil while ago...no1 rang the doorbell this morning...wow, shocker. thank god. ne wayz...i guess carlos n them were out til 2 in the morning n they found a "nice ass gurls bike" n u kno wat? he fuckin stole it :|. "i got it for ashley." fuck no u didnt...i aint bout to get caught with that shit. jeeze. ne wayzzz....i wanna go to the movies 2day. idk y, but i do. i wanna see rize, or the longest yard. sumthin like that. hmm, ill write more later.
mk, its later lol. sooo....since i was bored, i decided to go thru my make up n clothes n stuff n i dressed as Gwen Stefani from her "Hollaback Girl" video. LMAO. omg...it was great!! i had on sum hoochie shorts, a short ass belly shirt, bright red lipstick, a red bandana, n my eye make up was dark n perfect...man, it was tighterness. man....i loved it. great times. then i went into my sisters room n she looked at me n was like *mouth open* "wat...the..." n then her bf was just gave me a weird ass look lmao. then i went down stairs n showed my mom...ya, she gave me sum looks n then laffed. then i went over to my neighbors house n i walked in n she looked at me n busted out laffing...surprised she didnt pee her pants or ne thing lol. then i came online, showed a few ppl, they laffed n laffed n ya ya. then i made a sign that says "i aint no hollaback girl!" n i took a pic with the cam lmao.
^^^^^^^^^^^hawtness lol. man...for the whole day, my mom couldnt even look, talk, or yell at me with out laffing lmao. then these guys were like "hey...do u kno gwen stefani?"...uh ya..."well, u look just like her rite now"..."um...ya...i did it on purpose :|" lmao...god that was fuckin funni. i was getting all kinds of comments all day....woo...great day. i had my fun for the day. lmao...man...
