I LOVE HIM!!!!!!
Listening to: Makin Memories of Us - Keith Urban
alright, today was fun. a lot better than i thought it would be. i was so scared that i was going to do something to completely fuck it up, BUT I did ok. lol, it was fun because i was with my hunny for like 12 hours. his family is so funny. aha, CREEPY! lmao. anyways, yeah... we went to the actual wedding, and that was cool, the priest was awesome and i actually learned something about God. LOL u can i tell i never go to church and shit, but i do know the OUR FATHER, for some reason. lmao. anyways.... and then we went out to eat. and that was great. mmm, good food. and yeah then we went back to the house for a few hours and then played games. ahaha. goddamn it, i hate cranium more than life. lmao. woo. jk. but yeah, Alex is so damn funny, and i never remember seeing him around hamilton... weird... lol. but yeah. and then we went to the reception, and met Matt's family. LOL, they are great. then his mother forced me to dance. :P so i did. ahaha. and then Alex tried to dance some salsa, and i tried to spin and it took me a while but i got it. i was never taught that spin when i was young and Lel used to teach me. :( lol and then me and Matt were dancing like all close and shiz. lol he is such a dork but i had fun. ahah. :) i love him. ahh, i'm in love with him. the way he makes me feel when i can stare at his beautiful-ness. ahh, he's great. sexy, funny, smart, AHH. i love him so much. everything about him is incredible. :D now for the pictures!!! :)

--Lexxi x3
Alexis Renee
i love you.
i love you.
i love you.
i thought it was great.
but thats besides the point. i love you.
I lost my password to my other diary haha.
Oh my goddd you and your boyfriend look cute together, and you're prettttyyy!
Anyways school is going o.k just trying to get through junior year, how is it going for you?
i live in canada! haha
what about you?