I met Mike during my second semester of college, his first. January 19th, 2006. We talked all through our class then went out for a dinner and a movie. As the night ended, and heated up.. we decided to start dating- although the details of that are somewhat sketchy. Over the course of the next few months, we spent EVERY day together. And finally the day came.. where the 'L' bomb was dropped. Until then, I had never been in love before, nor had I been in any serious relationships. The whole experience was very new to me; it was exciting, and wonderful- to say the least. We went through minor problems; none too big we couldn't overcome. I'm not quite sure exactly when things started to go downhill, but they did and fast. Around the beginning of August, we decided to take 'a break'.. whatever that means, I'm not too sure. It lasted a month til we finally called it quits. Or rather, he did.
Now, before this, we had a few minor breakups, all of which lasted about three hours til things were fine, but devasted me nonetheless. However, things were different this time. The beginning of September is when my life should have taken a whole new turn.. but instead, I continued down the same path. Instead of working on the issues that I had which were detramental to our relationship- I sort of costed and hoped he would deal.
By now, I was in deep. The kind of love that hurts SO bad, but you just can't walk away from because when you're good, you're walking on clouds smiling down at everyone. We continued to sleep together and act like a couple- without the lable. This went on until mid january when he got a new girlfriend. It lasted all of a week, but it was painful nonetheless. After that ended, we got back together for - yep you guessed it - a week. Which brings me to today...
I'll leave out the gory details which have happened all in the last year.. they just don't seem worth remembering at this point. Now, the reason I'm writing this today, and not 8 months ago, is because for some reason, I actually believe him when he says "it's over- totally and completely" I never did before. And I'm still not 100% sure if I do now.. which is why I'm writing this. So let me explain what it is..
I'm writing, 'The Breakup Chronicles' - to document my experience through something which I believe will be very difficult to go through. Hopefully I don't make the same mistakes as last time, and wind up writing a part 2.