ok soooo me and katie went and saw without a paddle and exorcist yesterday. without a paddle was HILARIOUS and i absolutly loved it. those are like my 3 favorite guys and dax shepard and matthew lillard ((my idol lol)) were soooo hot. seth green...well he has his hot moments but he wasnt hot in this movie but hilarious yes. critics suck man. i got all mad becuse before we wet and saw it i checked this site with comments on movies and stuff. 70 ppl voted and only 12 said it was good...so i got all scared that it was gonna suck...yea no the critics suck lol i recommend it to ANYONE who likes comedys. exorcist was kindda creepy. im catholic and personally i coudnt make it through the first one. it really happend and i believe in all that stuff so i had to shut it off. but i made it through this one because it wasnt that bad. it was a good movie butyou think it sucks until you ge to the end and everything makes sense lol.
after this katie decided to stay the night. if she wasnt here i would have died. my mom got really drunk last night for no absolute reason and she was being such a bitch and was saying the evilest things. i wanted to hit her sooo bad and i might have if it continued. i was bitching at her so bad and she FINALLY went to bed. it embarrased me so bad tht katie had to see that but i got over it. then we had sooo much fun until like 4 o lock lol. first we were looking up really hot guys for my collage. then it turned into looking at wedding pics for her best friends, sisters wedding. we were crying especially katie cuz she knew these people. they photographer definatly caught the most important moments of this night. it was touching. then we crashed lol and woke up kindda early cuz she had a baseball game to get too.
im getting that feeling again about one of my friends. i cant explain it now but when i can i will share lol.
1: my icon i made ((with katies help lol)) its beautiful =)
2: haha katies descriptive picture to show adam what a "peni line" is lol
3: the hottest picture EVER of riley smith...i <3 his hair in this pic
4: the hottest guy ever made lol ryan cabrera
5: a really hot, really good actor, ryan gosling *lust*