Autumn... you are my favourite season! You are calm
and kind... I hope... ^_^
What season are you? [for girls... with anime pics!]
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Your like an angel. You pocess love and bring love
to any thing or person. You love being
yourself. Even though your cute or not. I think
your just awesome. Like you are peace:)
What Type Of Girl Are You???(Amazing Pics)
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Who's Your Anime Lover?
brought to you by Quizilla I really would like to know who this cuty is and what show it is!!!!!!!!!!

Your soulmate is Kurama!!! Aw, you got my sexy
bishounen!!! Anyway, he's really romantic and
sweet and will never let you down. He would
kill you and would probably die without you.
He's REALLY hOt and gets hotter when he
transforms into Yoko...Yum!
Who's your anime soulmate? (Girls only)

Your a cat.
What animal are your? (with anime pics!!)
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You are a normal friend...the old and good casual
friend...it's nice to have you around...you are
funny and talkative...good company for all
What kind of friend are you?(anime pics)
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Kiss?! You'll kill the one who even thinks of
kissing you! The only physical contact you have
is when you're beating someone up!
What anime kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla Oh my god how could I get this explains the Kurma one though Edward really really likes you! You're a bit shy,
but intrigues his interest. You're very good
friends and soon become a couple. You'll find
out in my next quiz! PLZ RATE! (pic coming
Your date with Edward from Full Metal Alchemist (girls only!!)
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Your element is earth: Wise, solitary, mysterious
and loving. You are very wise. Your wise as in
you know things others do not, you can see past
stereotypes and see the real people behind
their facades, and people will often come to
you for help and advice. Quite solitary and
somewhat shy around people because you prefer
animals and plants, animals aren't afraid to
show themselves or what they are feeling and
plants are fun to nurture. You are very strong
in your silence if you set your mind on
something you will often times pursue it to the
end. Sometimes you just want to get away, so
you seek refuge in the forest where you can
have time to think and try to sort out your
emotions. The sound of the wind usually calms
you, especially moving through the trees. Life
to you is something precious and should not be
taken for granted.
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
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Your A Dark Angel..
What Mystical creature are you?
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