Yessss. Don't worry, I know that the little two is supposed to be below, not above. But I couldn't find the other one on the thingy...
I'm very very bored. I know I'm a whiner. No one is online. But I'm cooking gingerbread houses*grins* I'm so excited. I love to decorate gingerbread houses. it's so fun.
Digimon is on the television. Markie is watching it. What a foolish little boy. They have really straigh white teeth...
I wish I had a totally hott anime boyfriend!^_^ That would be awesome and funny. I don't think I've ever seen a fat anime everyone in the anime world just skinny?
But yesh...I want a hott anime boyfriend. And his name will be...well, I don't know what his name would be. But it would be something.
The Caleb boy stole the keyboard from Chelsea yesterday. First Chelsea was like "Teresa says she loves you! And Caleb says eat your brocoli. Lo" (I said hi before...)
Then Caleb stole it was like Caleb feels left out because you talked indiviudally to Chelsea and Resa but not to him. And the brocolli was crying in a corner because it was totally ignored. Then I went and comforted the brocolli and Teresa and Chelsea started doing some "giggle/scream/stamp/tickle" thing. *shrugs* It was interesting. But they are all funny children. I miss Resa.
Also, yesterday, Liz and I wrote a story. Teehehehe. It was such fun. Zilly...Catilyn...Thomas...Sierra. I was laughing so hard. Yay for me and Liz having a good time together. I can't wait for january. It will be awesome. finish this up for now. I'm going to play some Awexome Cross on Homestarrunner. If you all haven't seen Lappy, go watch. Lappy is hott!
1:10 PM
Best friend seems really...different. I dunno, she seems almost mad at me. Best friend can't be mad at me! Well she can, but I don't want her to be. There is no way in the whole fricking world that I can lose her. I love her so much and right now I feel like crying. I dunno...
...When she was online, it was almost like I annoyed her...
Gosh. Now I'm liking crying and trying to make it so my little brother can't tell. Thank goodness the tv is in this room and he's focusing on it.
Are you mad at me? Because I don't think I did anything...Please tell me. I'm going to call you later. I just need to find your phone number.
I love you.
1:13 PM
This isn't going to turn out like every other time I had a best friend and one of us moved is it? Because if it does, I really don't know what I will do. I don't want a new best friend. I want Amy to be my best friend still.
I know I can have more than one best friend...I have three. I have more than three...
But Amy is Amy.
Please, God, don't let this end like every other best friend I've had.
2:22 PM
Awwww! I want a kiss. So cute. Teehee. I love my friends they rule. Seriously. They make me so happy all the time.
Random but, I get a lime green beanie because Chelsey LOVES ME!!! YAY! I can't wait to see her in January. Her, Liz, Whit, Cait. So many other people. They are all awesome.
YAYAYAYAY!!! I can't wait to see them. I love them!! YAY!
7:46 PM
I LOATHE gingerbread houses!! Why you might ask? gingerbread house had a FRICKING 6.0 earthquake. Stupid thing.

Laugh your arses off.
Awww...I found this picture on my compy and I was like AHH Aims took this picture*sob* I miss her so much. And it's Chambers. I remember this day. We like took the picture and we got on the bus and we were like EEE! CHAMBERS IS HOTT! And we wrote our lovely poem
Chambers By Katherine and Amy

I'm squinting way bad. And Chambers is like AH GET AWAY, because this is when he had a girlfriend.
thats the best gingerbread house ever :p