Warped Tour was yesterday, and it was AMAZING.
When we got there Cute Is What We Aim For just started playing. They were amazing. The crowd was pretty boring though, so I don't think they were happy about that. Dave Melillo was filling in as their rhythm guitarist, so that was really awesome, too.
In the song "Newport Living" there is a lyric that says "If you lie you don't deserve to have friends. If you lie you don't deserve to have them." Well, when Shaant sang it he was all, "If you lie you don't deserve to have friends. If you're high you don't deserve to have them." Then he started laughing at himself, it was hilarious.
Then Katie, Ashley, and I went around getting free shit like usual.
Paramore was playing at 1:30 so we went a half an hour earlier to their stage and only got to the middle of the crowd. Although, when they came out, some how I managed to get us about a foot away from the bar. It was fucking amazing. The crowd went CRAZY. I almost passed out I was so hot and squished in between people, but I loved every minute of it.
After that, we went and did more shopping. I got a shirt and belt. boyslikegirls were who I wanted to see the most, so we went two and a half hours earlier to their stage. We were almost up to the bar immediately because it was a small stage and hardly anyone was there. While waiting for boyslikegirls we saw All Time Low, The Human Abstract, The Matches, and Meg and Dia. They were all pretty good. After The Human Abstract we got right up to the bar in front of the stage boyslikegirls was playing at. When they came out the crowd went crazy. We were SO fucking close it was unreal. Martin kept looking at me, don't ask me why. Katie even saw it, so I'm not trying to lie. lol. After a few songs he threw a pick to this on girl but it didn't make it to her and Katie got it. So hooray for her, haha. Anyhow... it was amazing. There's no other place like Warped in the world and I will NEVER miss one until the day I die.