me: she told me i am gonna end up like her in college
jeff: how is she?
me: fucking party animal...haha...she is hilarous...i dunno tho
me: the party animal scene just isnt me
me: she hooks up w/ some hot guys, so im not gonna argue w/ that
jeff : yeah you only get to hook up with fools like me...maybe someday you'll find a hot guy
me: whatever!
me: dont even pull this game on me
jeff : haha
me: you are HOT HOT HOT
jeff : lieing is bad for your complection
me: whatever, my skin is really clear right now
me: plus, you dont have much to say for hooking up w/ me now do you?
jeff : what are you talkin about fool?
me: you know very well what im talking about
me : you can go out to your bars, and pick up some hot chick...you know that too
jeff : no way
jeff : i have never picked up any hot chicks at a bar
jeff : besides ill get all drunk and forget the name of the girl im talking to..i have NO game
me: and im much better? i dont think so
me: the only reason why i get guys is b/c im a girl, have tits, and i am willing to put out
jeff : well at least you have an explanation for it...i have no clue how i could ever get girls
jeff : cuz im just a clown
me : whatever...omg...i already told you
me: jeff, just trust me...you can get girls
me: hot girls for that matter
jeff : well of course.....i hooked up with you didnt i
me: no, we dont lie
me: you said so yourself
me: just admit it...there are pleanty of hot girls out there that you could have a chance w/....trust me
jeff : we'll see
me: whatever
me: like i said your hot
me: your personality rocks
me: if a girl wasnt crazy about you, then well they are crazy
jeff : well thank you....
ok, so that is a conversation i had w/ jeff just a couple minutes ago...now is it just me or did i slightly hint that i may like him? cause you can correct me if im wrong...bleh, this bites...not really,
<3 anna
hope that helps a bit.
and he kinda hinted that you were HOT!
because you are HAWT STUFF!!!
lol i love anna!!
i got the rocks.
aww that was a cute convo
its love
ha ha
err my head hurts
we gotta hang out sometime k?
awesome lol talk to ya later
you.. and your crazyness.
i LOVE anna!!!!!