Listening to: my dog bark at my brother
Feeling: annoyed
So I have updated in along time!
This week I have't really done anything...but I will start from Monday...
Monday- nothing at all
Tuesday- Had OU games that I'm not suppose to play in but I am anyways...then I stayed at Lauras.
Wednesday- Got up and went to weightlifting..then came home. I had softball games that didn't get over till 10:30...
Thursday- Got up and went to weightlifting. Then came home. Laura came over after open gym and we went to sleep. Then we went to Molly McGese and ate with the team..that was fun. Me and Shelby were eating lemons..that was fun. Then we went to our volleyball games. We won. Then me and Laura went to Kohls. We got some awesome sun glasses. Then I went home
Today- woke up at 8 because I had to go take care of these peoples dogs for them...and then I came home and watched tv. Then at 12 I fell asleep and didn't wake up till 4. Now I am watching my brother put paper in his mouth, spit it up into the air, and then catch it again...I think that is the only talent he has! :-p
Tomorrow I am gonna go shopping somewhere..I don't know where yet.
"this is my life your screwing with,"

Your luvah